Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Monday, June 4, 2012

a second opinion-limbal dermoids

it might be simply because Grant is getting older, but the limbal dermoids are much more noticeable now. i'm hoping praying it is because he so alert and curious (looking around) that they are noticeable, not because they have grown. 

to be honest, i wasn't crazy about the ophthalmologist we saw in chapel hill (and i have NEVER said that about any other doctor in chapel hill), so i decided today that i'm going to get a second opinion.  and while i was riding that train, i broke down (literally, in tears, frustration, and anger) and "fired" the boys' pediatrician and found a new one. 

i took several pictures today and noticed underneath his left eye (right-if looking at him) is swollen, so i'm going to be battling my way through receptionists tomorrow morning trying to get him in to the doctor...locally. just my opinion, but the doctors (that we have encountered here in wilmington) are subpar. 

prayers. please.


  1. he's such a cutie! what ped are you going to now?

  2. Hey there. I am always praying for your sweet boy. I know the frustration with Pediatricians. We have had to get second opinions before as well. Always go with your mommy gut. It will never lead you the wrong way :)

    He is a CUTE little boy!

  3. @bethany: we are trying out Knox Pediatrics! i just set everything up today, so we'll see how it goes...we really need someone proactive with Grant!

    @ashlynn: thank you!

  4. My Daughter was born in copenhagen in october 2011,has the same Limbal dermoid problem by birth in his one eye and in copenhagen doctor told us the same as told to you guys.
    But now a days my daughter is in Pakistan(our home country) and Eye dr. there told us to remove it as soon as possible by having surgery.
    So my daughter is going for surgery after couple of days. dr. satisfied us this is not a serious operation, so go for it.
    I will suggest you to go for surgery instead of leaving as it is.Because it ll create problems and will become more complicated with the passage of time.Its better to remove at the beginning of time.

    1. Now what's condition.
      I m also from Pakistan and my new born son is also diagnosed limbal dermoid in one eye


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