Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Grant is TWO/Barney Bash!!

I cannot believe I'm typing this, but our littlest love is TWO today! 

Here is a little bit about Grant at 2:

Grant LOVES Barney...we have several DVDs from when the boys were little and Grant loves to sing and dance along with the big purple guy...he has a stuffed Barney that he carries around and sleeps with every night, too!

His favorite food is pizza, bananas, and chicken nuggets...Not the healthiest group of food, but he has become quite the picky eater lately, so we are just going with it.

He can count to 10 and loves the ABC song (even if he only gets some of the letters :)

Grant thinks his big brothers are the best things in the world. He loves to follow them around, watch what they are doing, and wrestle with them!

His favorite place to be in the world is outdoors. He loves to explore, stop and look at trees, and go full speed to his hearts content.

He still takes a solid 1-2 hour nap everyday, and would sleep longer if it weren't for having to pick up the boys from school. Bedtime at night is 8pm, and he is normally awake just after 7.

His favorite toys are his stacking cups (I need to video this...it is hilarious...he stacks his cups as fast as humanly possible), balls of all shapes and sizes, and his counting Lion...when he imitates the Lion, his "roar" sounds more like "Wow!" which might be the cutest thing in the world. 

Grant loves to sing and dance along with all music! The boys are always blaring some horrible Kidz Bop junk (haha...seriously, though!), and Grant just LOVES to dance along with it!

He has the best personality...always so sweet, and will do anything for a laugh. I'm sure I'll be eating my words in a few months, but I rarely have to get after him...And when I do, a stern voice will send him into puddles of tears. Typing that makes me want to go pick him up from his crib and kiss his chubby cheeks a million times.

He really loves praise...when he figures something out or says a new word, he gets a huge smile on his face and claps for himself.

He still takes a paci every night (but not during the day)...I don't think we'll  take it away for a while...we didn't with the boys until they turned three...which is also when we potty-trained them...that is prob the same route we'll go with Grant!

He LOVES shoes. And showers. Just not together.

Grant still has therapy twice a week (and will continue to for the next year). He is doing SO well, and has blossomed so much! When he's being stubborn and ready to be done with the session, he'll ask me to pick him up, look at the therapist, and with a big smile say, "BYE!!" LOL!! It is both rude and hilarious at the same time.


Switching gears....we had a small Barney bash today at our home with our immediate family...Everyone had a great time! Here are some pics from his Barney Bash! :)

I made the cake, and bought the personalized Barney icing sheet from Etsy. Loved how it looked, and will def be doing it again in the future!

My mom got a Cricut for Christmas and made his birthday banner! Also..side note (bc its bothering me, ha! I rearranged furniture and am crafting some things right now, so please ignore the off-centered family pic above the tv) :)

I'm throwing this pic in simply bc of the NC sign I made is in it :)

LOL! I had to throw this one in...he was super cranky when he first woke up from his nap!

Luckily he cheered up pretty quick! :)

Harp got this firetruck from the treasure box at school and gave it to Grant for his bday. Heart bursting.

Found a Barney pillow pet on Amazon! He LOVED it!

All for now! Happy Birthday sweet baby! You have blessed our lives beyond comprehension, and we love you SO much!!


2 kid parties down, 1 more to go in a few weeks! Then we are done until 2015!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maria,

    I am back after almost 2 yrs... :) Grant has grown so big and handsome!! Such lovely post.... He will so love reading this when he grows up. Happy 2 sweet Grant!!



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