15 months, 1 week, and 1 day. That is how long it has been since Kane and I have been out together. Coincidently, that is exactly Carson's age (Well it was on Tuesday night). So on Tuesday, bug-eyed and anxious, Kane and I left Carson and Harper with grandma & grandpa Rivenbark, and for the first time in a LONG time, Kane and I got in our car, and drove off. By ourselves. No Carson. No Harper. No equipment. We decided on the Olive Garden (we've been once before but were shamed to go back after how Carson acted up). Its amazing how much nicer everyone is to you when you don't have a screaming tot on your hip! I'm sure Kane and I were a sight, too! Kane had been working outside with my dad puting a tin roof on the shed, and so he was covered in dirt. My shirt was accented with dried up spit-up, compliments of Harper, as well as dried up yogurt (strawberry, if your curious), that Carson wiped on my pants. Both of us had looked like we hadn't had any sleep in days (we haven't) and our eyes were both drooped down low. But through all of it, we had a great time.. I was able to talk to my husband at dinner, no getting after Carson, no making sure drinks were far away from our tot, no apologizing to the people around us. I love Carson and Harper both more then words could ever possibly describe, but for my own personal sanity, I have to get away, have an adult conversation, every once in a while. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, I am constantly caring for my two boys, and so we've realized for the sake of ourselves, and for each other, we MUST have time to ourselves. Just the two of us. We've made a promise to get out of the house on a "date" with each other a few times a month....and I am excited! ......Now back to Tuesday night...after our dinner, I got a call from my mom that kind of ended the night for us prematurely. One of my best friends, Heather, had been out jogging, and a group of illegal immigrants driving in a SUV ran her over, flipped their car, and then fled by foot. By God's grace, she is okay, and is only suffering from bumps and bruises. Those men, however, haven't been found. Needless to say, the rest of our night was spent in the ER, but that's okay...hopefully next Date Night will be better!
Those are some great pics of my nephews. And WOW, finally, some alone time. I know exactly what your talking about when you say adult conversations etc. With your 2 nephews and niece, i DEFINETLY NEED THAT ALONE TIME, LOL! And oh my God, i cant believe that about Heather, THANK GOD, she is ok. And that God was watching over her. She will be in my prayers. Tell everyone i said hi, and that i love you all!!!! And miss you all!!!! Love , Nicole