Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

introducing: Harper Liston Trochelman

Harper Liston Trochelman

Born: April 3, 2008

Time: 3:38 am

Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz

Height: 18 in

As many of you know, around noon on Wednesday I went into labor and many hours later, QUICKLY delivered a beautiful, healthy baby boy who we named Harper (his middle name, Liston, is after my wonderful father who was so proud that we chose to honor him). The labor was long but painless with my epidural....that is until he started descending...thats when Kane likes to joke to everyone about my obscene language towards our nurse. My birthing nurse was wonderful, but a bit too Mary Poppins. Harper is a very sweet and quiet baby who doesn't cry unless his diaper is being changed! Carson is doing so well with the transition of having a baby brother. He doesn't really know whats going on, but he loves kissing Harper and even tries to help me with him (like trying to give him goldfish and juice! hey, he's only 14 months old, he doesn't know any better!) I have to watch him like a hawk, but he really has done well with the transition. Here are pictures from the past fews days...please excuse my appearance...i kind of just had a baby!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH, HARPER IS SOOOO ADORABLE! Congratulations to you and Kane! My nephew is handsome! I am VERY proud to be an aunt again! You have been blessed with two beautiful sons. I wish i was there to hold him. Please give him a kiss for me, as well as my dear Carson! Im glad that Carson is adjusting well. Believe me, coming from a mother of 3, he will get used to it. Then he will be a BIG helper! I pray that i will get to go down there very soon to visit, and then to finally hold my wonderful little nephew. Well sister, give Harper and Carson a big kiss for me, and tell my brother-n-law, Kane, i said hi! I love you all and miss ya!



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