Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Friday, September 12, 2008


Kane had his knee surgery on Tuesday, and it went wonderfully well! He's already hobbling around without his crutches, and feels much better. He will probably be able to go back to work sometime next week. Keep us in your prayers!

Heres a picture I took of Kane's leg yesterday when I was changing the dressing. As you can see, they had to shave it for surgery... haha. I've been teasing him about how good it looks. By the way, I was washing our bed sheets which is why the mattress is showing.

Here's another pic of his leg. There are two incisions (as you can see), and his knee's pretty swollen. I just can't get over how his leg looks shaved! lol...

Here's my big boy sitting up by himself. He can sit unassisted for just a little bit, but he won't be able to sit for longer periods until 6-7 months of age.

Here's another pic. The Boppy feeding pillow actually isn't doing anything for him. At his age he goes forward, not back when he falls over...I'm always right there though (of course).

Here's my sweet baby...He didn't really want to take a picture, but he smiled anyways...

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