Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Sunday, December 23, 2012

10 Months

Grant is 10 months old! 

I'm so behind on his 10 month post-this past month has been understandably busy. These past 4+ weeks have been consumed with the boys all being sick and Christmas festivities. And then there was the Sandy Hook tragedy-and honestly, my silence of this blog has been mainly due to that. My heart has been in deep mourning for the families involved-just like the rest of the county-and there really isn't much more to say then that. I have a kindergartner. I was in his classroom the day before the shooting, getting Carson's report card, chatting with his teacher, and watching the organized-chaos of the morning. It really hit close to home. 


Anyways, Grant-bless his heart-has managed to catch every.single.cold./bug that the boys have brought home so he's been pretty miserable. 

He has spent the last few weeks perfecting his crawl and destroying the presents under the tree-he is particularly fond of a gold trumpet ornament and the red gift bows. 

Last check he was 22+ lbs and has 7 teeth. 

He apparently likes to watch me sweep, because his favorite game is to toss food from his highchair. 

He is starting to be SO silly, too. I love to see his little personality shine through!

I wasn't able to get really any pictures this month with him being sick, etc., so here are just a couple!

He does this face ALL of the time! It's his concentration face! :)

Now, time, SLOW down!

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