Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Monday, December 13, 2010

around here...

I have neglected my blog a bit lately so here is the incredibly intriguing scoop:

Last week marked another semester down of college! I'm happy to report that I got all A's. And let me tell you, I am soo excited for this month off from school!

Sometime this next week, the boys will "officially" start learning Spanish! My mom (who is Mexican American) will be teaching them-I'm just hoping to pick up a thing or two! ha!

The boys' preschool class opened up the Children's Christmas Play at Church Sunday night and it was (as you could imagine) very cute. Except for the fact that while all of the preschoolers sang, my two were off to the side playing with the mics. Go figure.

I took a bunch of pictures of the boys at the play but not one of them turned out good...so I'll be checking Facebook frequently to see if anyone else got a few!

We are soo excited about something going on right now, but I think I should wait before "announcing" anything until we know everything is certain...

With that being said, No, I'm not pregnant! ;)

I hope everyone has a good week!

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