Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Hey There!

Has it really been almost 18 months since I blogged in our little family journal?!

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing, outdoor and nature

This blog will always be near and dear to my heart. I started this online journal for our family exactly 10 years ago last month to help document our mostly mundane, day-to-day happenings. Milestones like Carson laughing for the first time, to Harper's first steps; documenting Grant's complicated medical issues, and announcing pregnancies...I love to look back from time to time and read through poignant-and even the not so poignant-moments of our lives.

That's why I hate so much that I "abandoned" our family journal. Thankfully, I did document the big stuff on Instagram...but its just not quite the same.

I've thought about picking up the laptop and sitting down to write over the last year, but the words just didn't come.  Life has been hard. Our world was shattered, however, God is slowly rebuilding us, piece by piece. It has been the darkest, most unrelenting season of my life, but God is good, and God has been faithful to our family.

There is no way to document every important event over the last 18 months in one post, so I'll just share a few updates instead:

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people sitting, grass, outdoor and nature

The kids are amazing. Carson just turned 10 (my heart cannot even handle it!), Harper is coming up on his 9th birthday, Grant will be 5 (!!!) in a few weeks, and Clara-our tiny baby-just turned 2.

Our day to day lives are c.r.a.z.y. busy. Grant started preschool last fall, so all three boys are in school now! Grant is in an exceptionally challenged classroom, and is doing SO awesome! He absolutely loves school, and it has been such a huge blessing for him! Along with the services he receives at school, he still has private therapy 2x a week, which means a lot of running around town to appointments.

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Carson and Harper are both playing basketball again this season, and they are having a blast! Carson's in an older league this year, so he has practice one evening a week, along with games on Saturdays. Harper has a practice/game every Saturday morning, so balancing their schedules has been...interesting! Carson is also on the Science Olympiad team at school, so he stays after school one day a week for several hours and does his science-club thing. 😁

Kane's work schedule is different now-he works on Saturdays (huge bummer!) and has a weekday off instead. 

My mornings consist of chasing after a certain little girl with a VERY big personality...

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Our Clara girl is just a little bundle of spunk. She LOVES to sing, follow her brothers around, get into anything and everything, and go "swimin' in the baff-tub" 😉

2017 is such a big year for us! Kane and I are celebrating our 10 year anniversary this year! We like to joke that it seems like we've been married more like 20 years, ha! We are planning a fun little getaway for our anniversary-hoping to have those plans finalized this week! 

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I'm hoping to get back into the swing of blogging...even if its just to make a birthday post-I'd love to keep up with our journal.

All for now!



  1. I hope you do blog more! I love reading about your life and family happenings. :)

  2. I read your blog, it was awesome. Happy to see your family. I found your blog when am searching for lipodermoid. My daughter is having that. Really inspiring story about Grant. Love your family.


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