Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

And Baby Makes SIX!!!

Here I am, almost halfway through, and I still cannot believe I am typing these words...Around Thanksgiving this year, we will be a family of SIX. That's right...I'm pregnant with number 4. And if we are being honest here, unexpectedly pregnant with number 4!

Did I mention baby is a GIRL?!

Late March, we got the shock of our lives...(well, other than the first shock of our lives: Carson. ha!). Taking the test, a few days late, we didn't actually expect it to say positive..but it was so abundantly clear. Now, a 4th babe wasn't completely out of the question....most of the time, I felt "done" having babies, other times we flirted with the idea...which is why we haven't made any permanent decisions-if you know what I mean. We had unofficially decided we would wait until next summer to address the issue...so IF we had decided to, Grant would be four years old at the time baby was born....but God had other plans for our family, and we will be completing our family a bit sooner than expected! (And yes-permanent measures will be taken this time, ha!)

If you want the truth...I'm nervous. I realize that four kids is only one more than we have now, but FOUR sounds like you just said 20. When Grant was born, the boys were older, and it was honestly such an easy and joyful experience...but Grant will be a few months shy of 3 when this baby is born, and I'm worried about the age difference, I'm worried about jealousy, and of course making sure all of the kids get the attention they need and deserve. It has been a constant prayer of mine...that God would just shower our family with grace during this transition time. And if you want to lift our family up in prayer, we would love and appreciate that.

We are excited and scared and nauseous (oh my word, don't get me started on how sick I've been) and already exhausted. But we are also so grateful that God has entrusted us with another blessing. My heart is so full

We decided to wait a bit longer to tell everyone the big news....there were some minor complications that showed up on the ultrasound around 9 weeks (two separate subchorionic hemorrhages, with no symptoms) that put me at a higher risk for miscarriage-we found out a few weeks later that all was well, and the bleeds had been reabsorbed (which was a huge answer to prayer!!)  By then I was already 12 weeks, so we decided just to wait a few more weeks and do a pregnancy and gender announcement in one. Surprise! And lets be real here-we knew there would be the negative/annoying reactions from both friends, community, and even family.

I can say wholeheartedly that we already love this baby so much and are excited to meet her! She will be celebrated and loved on by our family! Have I mentioned how Carson and Harper are sooo over-the-moon excited?? And Grant....well.....he'll just have to learn to love her :) lol!

I still can't believe another Trochelman baby is on the way. Have mercy. Praise Jesus. Here we go again.


  1. Love your writing! God gives us precious gifts! CONGRATULATIONS!

  2. So thrilled for you! It will be a transition, adding a baby always is. But believe me when I say that it won't be nearly as hard as adding Grant. I've HEARD (never experienced) that going from 2-3 is the hardest transition because you go from man-to-man to zone. Get a good Moby wrap and you will rock this sister. I just know it. ;)


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