Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Thursday, October 28, 2010

i blinked...

I was folding clothes the other day when a thought hit me.

Carson is going to be four years old in just 3 short months.



He's almost not a baby anymore.


He's growing up before my eyes.

But how did that happen?

When did that happen?

Just last week, he looked like this:

...or maybe that was 3 years ago...

Its pretty incredible...It's like he just transformed into a little boy right before my eyes.

He has such a personality. And quite the sense of humor.

He constantly keeps me on my toes. I spend half of the day laughing at something he said, and the other half trying not to let him see me laugh.

And he's witty, too.

The other day he bit Harp on his arm (don't worry, Harp got him back good yesterday). Anyways, while I was interrogating him about the said incident, he looked at me and said, "But mama, it was an accident."
Me: "How is biting an accident?"
Carson: "Well actually I say it was an accident, but you dink it was on purpose."

Speaking of actually, that is his new favorite word. He uses "actually" in every sentence possible.

Such as "Mama, even though I'm your baby, I'm actually a big boy."

So true sweet baby.

Life before you is such a distant memory, and life without you would be unimaginable.

Some days, your stubbornness prevails and I just want to pull my hair out.

But I know that I'm going to miss you at this age.

And I also know this time will go by quickly.

It already has. 

Just don't go growing up too fast.

Stay mama's baby.



You will never know how much I love you sweet boy.

And I'm already so proud of the little boy your turning into.

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