Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Monday, November 7, 2011

nursery stuff

**if you stay with me, God bless you. 

so until about a week ago, we had done absolutely nothing with the nursery. which really doesn't seem like a big deal until it hit me that i was 24 weeks along, will be busy with my last semester of school/Thanksgiving, then busy with Christmas preparations, Christmas, Carson's birthday preparations, and then Carson's 5th birthday in mid-January. And then after that? Well that leaves me with about a month before #3 is here. rushing to get a nursery done at 8 months pregnant does NOT sound ideal to me, so i decided that i HAD to make it a priority to get started on it now and work on it little by little. 

last saturday i had kane move out all of the unnecessary furniture to the shed. so the only furniture in there right now is the changing table and a small sofa. 

we are going to keep the nursery pretty simple...beige, navy, gray...somewhere along those lines. The walls all have one coat of a beige-color paint, but need a second coat so we bought the paint this past weekend and hopefully my mom can get started on that soon! ;) 

the boys' favorite past-time is reading and they have acquired quite the book collection and were in need of a bigger bookcase. this past weekend we went ahead and bought them a new one and their old one is now in the nursery awaiting a fresh coat of paint.

(the boys' new bookcase):

i know it doesn't look very big but it is quite a bit bigger than the other one.

off topic, but its funny how excited they were over it...i put their (current) favorites on the top for easy access.

here is their old one in the nursery...i'm definitely going to paint it (not sure what color yet), and go through the "baby" books that the boys don't read anymore and pass them along to the baby. actually, one of my "projects" this next week is to go through their "baby" toys, books, and clothes. as you can see, Elmo Live, two bins full of rattles/teethers, and a couple of books have already made their way over.

i also bought one of these for the closet:

quick and easy access to socks, bibs/burp cloths, receiving blankets, and onesies. 

oh...and last but not least....i'm going to be organizing this terrible mess:

definitely not excited about it.

once all of these things (aforementioned) are done, i'll be working on the windows...curtain rods, curtains, and MOST importantly, blackout blinds! ;)

after that? in search for a couch slipcover for the sofa bed in the nursery that won't break our budget. 

the only thing after that will be adding accessories here and there.

now after boring you to death, i'll sign off....but not without a picture of my cute little guys. Saturday morning we went to Carson's Preschool "Back to School" Bash (cowboy themed)...it was originally scheduled for September but was postponed until this past weekend due to rain. 

have a great week!

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