Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,“This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

Monday, April 30, 2012

Quick Appointment(s) Update!

just wanted to give a quick update on the appointments going on this week!
Grant has 3 appointments this week...today we had our well child 2 month check-up (we are already a bit behind..go figure). it went great, with the exception of the slew of immunizations. 

grant now weighs 12 lbs, 8 oz. and is 23 1/2 in. long. he's growing! 


on wednesday we have to go to chapel hill for the initial consultation with plastics. we are using the same plastic surgeon we used with harper which is AWESOME because we really liked Dr. Gage. 

more then likely, they'll just take a look at the skin tags on his face and determine when the best time would be to remove them (either sooner or later). 


i have been SO worried about the spots on grant's eyes and his ped and i decided that instead of waiting for the July appointment with the local pediatric ophthalmologist, we would try to see if they could see us in at chapel hill sooner. surprisingly, they were able to get us in this friday! i'm super nervous about it, but know that regardless of what they say, it will all happen according to God's will. 

here's a grainy picture of what is on the bottom of BOTH of his eyes. 

prayers for both appointments are greatly welcomed, specifically for the ophthalmology appointment. we will continue to let everyone know whats going on when we know more! 

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